An endowment partnership with The University of Winnipeg Foundation. 

To make a donation (please specify The University of Winnipeg Jazz D.R.E.A.M. Award when donating) contact: or call: 204-786-9995

The application form to apply for the award can be found at:

D etermination

R ealism

E ffort

A ttitude

M erit

“The mission of the University of Winnipeg Downtown Jazz Band and Vocal Jazz Group is to promote the value of learning, self-worth, and quality of performance in order to provide productive and responsible participants in community music circles and in society at large.”

The DREAM (Determination, Realism, Effort, Attitude, Merit) Award endowment fund was established in 2010, through the University of Winnipeg Foundation. This fund was created by Robert Hrabluk and is being used to aid current ensemble members with funding for educational ventures. Any recipient applying for an award must be a current full time U of W student and be planning to return as a full time student during the following year in the fall and winter semesters. Jazz awards will be presented to deserving members annually. All current members of the University of Winnipeg Downtown Jazz Band and Vocal Jazz Group are eligible to receive an award. Awards will go to current U of W students to use towards their education. When applicable, preference will be given to members that have been with either ensemble for more than one year. If a member is a current U of W student this year and is not returning next year, they cannot apply for an award under University Rules & Regulations. The total number of awards and award amounts are directly related to the amount of fiscal interest that the endowment fund generates each year.

The U of W Awards Department makes the final decision for all awards handed out in any particular year and remains a non-biased factor in the decision making process. The U of W Jazz Alumni committee and current directors can provide information about the candidates to the U of W Awards department, that they deem necessary in the decision making process. Applicants may refer to the criteria list on the back of this form. Current U of W students applying for a U of W Student Award must fill out an awards application form (found at the U of W Awards Office or online at Current U of W students must maintain a G.P.A. score of 2.5 or higher to be eligible for an award.  

D.R.E.A.M. Award Criteria  

Punctuality: Applicants must display an interest to arrive to rehearsals and performances on time and help to set up for the weekly rehearsals.

Involvement: Applicants must demonstrate that they are able to work constructively within the group setting and contribute ideas when they deem appropriate.

Organization: Applicants must come to rehearsals prepared with all materials necessary to perform.

Musicality: Applicants do not require an assessable level of musical knowledge, but must display their willingness to learn and/or share musical concepts when deemed appropriate.

Practicing: Applicants must be willing to create independent time for practicing between rehearsals.

Communication: Applicants must demonstrate appropriate skills in sharing ideas about either ensemble and/or rehearsal absences from either ensemble.

Community: Applicants must demonstrate a strong sense of community spirit and be present for all community-based performances.