In 2015, the "DREAM LEARN CREATE COMMUNITY" (DLCC) was created by Robert Hrabluk. This network of learners aspires to help people locally and in different areas of the world, create means to support themselves and their fellow communities. A subcategory of the DLCC is the "Accent On Africa Project," (AOAP) which is a community of learners centering its focus on the continent of Africa and its many countries and communities within. The AOAP was founded by Robert Hrabluk in 2010. Both are run out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and have an additional website that links back here.





We aspire to enhance the stature of homelessness organizations in an effort to eradicate homelessness and provide sustainable living environments for all humankind.


To deliver quality distance education programming, which is globally committed to helping homelessness organizations, their staff, and volunteers, to create means to aid themselves and their fellow communities.   


The characteristics that guide our focus in how we treat each other are: 

D etermination - quality control of each committee within our organization

R evitalize - creating meaningful, effective partnerships

E thics - building relationships on a reputation of moral trust amongst staff

A ttitude - performing tasks in an ethical and honest manner

M erit - an organizational belief in the quality our products and services provide


 Dream (a thought) / Learn (a skill) / Create (a memory)

Dream (an idea) / Learn (an application) / Create (a moment)

 Dream (a concept) / Learn (a technique) / Create (a voice)

Thank you to The People Concern (formerly the LAMP Community) in the Skid Row Community of Los Angeles, California for their continued hospitality during my visits. A big thank you to Hayk Makhmuryan for his constant support while I am volunteering. In the words of Hayk Makhmuryan "DREAM, LEARN, CREATE...SHARE...REPEAT."